Tarot by Numbers

Tarot by Numbers

Aces - One - ideas, beginnings, potential, gifts
A beginning - the first step and willpower needed to take it. Its upsurge of energy provides the impetus to move forward

2's - balance, reflection, duality, sometimes opposites
This signifies balance and harmony. It stems from one plus one, setting the stage for the addition of one's creative energy.

3's - growth, co-operation, groups, friendship
Represents expansion, growth, and the changes that result. It brings life, but may need to be held in check

4's - foundation, structure, inward focus, stability
Reveals the emergence of order. Contains energy which can be gradually developed and then used constructively

5's - challenges, conflict, loss, need for meditation/spirituality
Shows how conflict can arise from misuse of power and how breaking out of constraints to expand can get out of hand

6's - advancement, excitement, reciprocated feelings, success
The number of beauty, where peace and balance are restored. Helps to develop harmony within relationships

7's - discipline, work ethic, changing course, struggle
This shows that inner growth and learning are taking place, though sacrifices may need to be made along the way

8's - re-evaluation, evolution, movement from one phase to the next
Signifies dynamic energy, which moves you forwards towards an end of something and a change of situation

9's - fulfillment,  luck, fate, achieving a goal
Represents the ending of a cycle, and the gathering of energy that occurs while past lessons are integrated

10's - cycles, karma, taking responsibility, end of a cycle
Indicates a state of completion and also the beginning of a cycle that leads to new things. 10 is comprised of 1 plus 0.

The Court Cards
The Court Cards do not display numbers, but every one has a value associated with it. Each has its own special meaning

Page - eleven
Pages are number 11, representing exploration, developing interests and study. It is also 1+1, which makes 2, showing that the will is directed towards unity

Knight - twelve
Knights are number 12, and when the 1 and 2 are added together, this comes to 3. The dynamism of the 1 combines with the balance of the number 2, bringing an increased sense of responsibility

Queen - thirteen
Queens are number 13. When added together, the willpower of 1 merges with the creativity of 3, which results in the number 4, signifying stability

King - fourteen
Kings are number 14, which means that the willpower and energy of 1 is directed towards the stabilizing power of 4. This leads to social responsibility, and the wise resolution of conflict through conformity